Friday 29 March 2013

A bad first night at Ribamar

After 4 nights at Peniscola we arrived at Ribamar and set up camp last night. Pickles has been becoming more and more lethargic, drinking lots and weeing a lot as well. I thought he might be showing signs of diabetes so we went straight into Alcossebre and booked him into the vets for today. On returning to camp we cooked our tea and then sat down to eat it when Pickles went into a convulsion / seizure. We ran to reception and asked if there was someone who could take us to the vets immediately, one of the reception staff took us in her car. The vets examined him and decided he had to stay in. As you can imagine we were upset and panicking. The vet was preparing us for the worst as his Cushings and Hypothyroidism, age and mobility probs weren't going to help. We left the vets and our driver tried to reassure us and made sure we returned to the camp.No sleep, lots of tears and thinking....euthanasia or what. When we went back today at 10am they were happier about him, he'd had another seizure during the night but they gave him insulin. His blood sugar level was 680 when it should be about 70 - 160. they also gave him valium. They have now got the insulin levels to an acceptable level.He was a bit wobbly and they kept him in until 1:30 in the afternoon when we reassessed him. They thought we should return home but now agree that if we stay here in Alcossebre we might be able to stabilise the diabetes and carry on with the trip. we have a regime of daily insulin injections and 3 times a day urinalysis (I have to follow him around tryng to get samples off him. Just keeping our fingers crossed but at least my general nurse training is coming back to me and hopefully helping

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