Sunday 29 June 2014

The old Wash House at Castello, the people of the town fought for years for this facility. When it was granted to them austerity measures meant lack of finance caused its delay for another 5 years. Despite the bad times we've had recently I can't see the blue noses Dave, George and fat face Pickles stopping us having clean undies for 5 years.

The Cathedral at Castello D'Empuries.
27th June

Yesterday was intended to be our last beach day of the holiday but the dull weather with threatening rain clouds put an end to that hope. We move on today and will miss the excellent Mas Nou site. We’d picked the most shaded pitch not noticing the playground and the building next to it that acted like a kids workshop. This we thought was another toilet block and although it was closed it still attracted teenagers each night who re-enacted scenes from Lord of the Flies until midnight. The playground next to it was no better and held similar scenes of carnage and bloodshed as kids fell off swings, scooters, bikes etc. It may seem strange to some folk how someone like my self, from a nursing background can ignore such scenes on a daily basis. However I take the position of a wildlife photographer and let nature take its own course…only the strongest will survive.
By now you may be of the opinion that I don’t like Spanish kids or their parents…that isn’t true. To provide some balance to my observations there is a young Spanish couple with a two young boys, one of whom has Cerebral Palsy. Each day they stop at the fountain in front of our motorhome and let him sit next to it. He places his hands over the fountain so that it squirts all over his face and body, for the 10 minutes he does this he roars with laughter until they take him back to their caravan to change his clothes. Such incidents can’t be filmed or photographed, however the image will still remain with us and is somehow a representation of how most Spanish families display love, caring and good communication skills within the family environment.
Last night we also returned to Castello D’Empuries and had a meal there whilst watching the footy (Germany v USA). It started to rain and it was the first time I’d seen a tv set working in the rain. Eventually the waiter moved the umbrella’s over the screen but ignored me as drops fell into my Salmon. On the way back Barb spotted another dog shelter down a dirt track, thank god we’re moving.
We left Mas Nou around 9:30am and got to El Bergueda campsite at Guardiola de Bergueda.  It was hot and we had a short 1 hour walk and then a swim in the pool. Later a 3 course meal in the bar (no chips with the main course?) still a good site.

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