Tuesday 17 September 2024

3 Days in Rodelinghen near Calais. 12th to 15th september

As Jonesy's European Pet Passport was about to expire on 27th September we decided to avoid all of the shenanigans and expence of going through the uk renewal process that mainly involved a simple rabies update but if done in the uk would have involved a lengthy and expensive process. So combine it with a cheap 3 day ferry crossing, a really nice reasonably priced farmhouse and a great opportunity to replace all the spaces in my wine cellar so off we went and what a pleasant trip it was. We had a couple of days visiting our favourite Wissant and also drove down the adjacent Opal Coast. We got 30 bottles of fine wines and got his rabies injection, his annual booster and his worming for trip home for around 64 euros.

East Lancs Railway journey and afternoon meal Sunday 30th June

Good turnout for this Sunday trip , great fun but unfortunately Alex wasn't well enough to join us although he and Alexander jr dropped a few off at the station. Back to our house afterwards for more wine in the garden.

3 Days in London to see Van Morrisson at Royal Albert Hall

I set off to Crystal Palace site and met up with Owen. We had some time visiting London and then we went to the gig. Great performance from a fine set of musicians but he took some criticism from some fans for only playing a couple of his standard self penned numbers. Every morning on the site we were visited by a fairly tame fox. One day was spent in Brighton, a nice trip.

May 2024 more photies.

Monday 16 September 2024

The Dolphins trip to east Devon and Dorset.

5th may 2024. Barbara and I went ahead and had 2 nights at Cofton Park. Weather fine and we enjoyed a bit of cycling into Dawlish. After two nights we made our way to Ladram Bay where we joined our fellow dolphins Dave, Carol and Alex. Quick inspection of their rented caravan before drinks and meal at the site restaurant. The following 6 days was spent :- An introductory game of Croquet down at Budleigh Salterton where Alex excelled. A visit to a vineyard at Dalwood where on a beautiful sunny hillside we tasted and bought some lovely wines, we also laughed a lot before heading to the nearby pub for a tasty evening meal. A great sunny trip to Lyme Regis where we enjoyed a sun drenched afternoon meal. A Saturday game of bowls in nearby Exmouth. Of course there were lots more things we enjoyed, great meals out, late evening drinks back at the caravan plus the laughs. It was also nice to be drive around in Alex's brand new Merc with its entertaining sat nav thatrefused to listen to anything he said. It was also good to see Barbara try out a mobility scooter for 4 days prior to her knee replacement. All in all this was one fab trip.