Tuesday 17 September 2024

3 Days in Rodelinghen near Calais. 12th to 15th september

As Jonesy's European Pet Passport was about to expire on 27th September we decided to avoid all of the shenanigans and expence of going through the uk renewal process that mainly involved a simple rabies update but if done in the uk would have involved a lengthy and expensive process. So combine it with a cheap 3 day ferry crossing, a really nice reasonably priced farmhouse and a great opportunity to replace all the spaces in my wine cellar so off we went and what a pleasant trip it was. We had a couple of days visiting our favourite Wissant and also drove down the adjacent Opal Coast. We got 30 bottles of fine wines and got his rabies injection, his annual booster and his worming for trip home for around 64 euros.

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